Thursday, 3 January 2013


Instead of writing this blog as the Christmas decorations were going up...I'm am doing it, as the decorations are coming down! Why? Well, it is a very good reason ~ my techno man hadn't had time to load the blog site onto our new computer! All is forgiven though as it is giving me a chance to reflect on the beautiful season we have just experienced with a grateful heart & precious memories.

I noticed a theme evolving this year as the Christmas season began, firstly with my most favourite book I read this time every year, "The Light of the World" by my favourite artist Thomas Kinkade. It was with a touch of sadness that I read his beautiful words each night just before I put my light out, knowing of his troubled end to life. Being known as the painter of light, his amazing art work always depicted some form of illuminating light through windows, street lamps, Churches, sunrises, sunsets portraying his faith & outlook on life ~ that Christ is the light of the world & we all can bring light into our everyday living by being who we were created to be. It is a lovely thought that his paintings & writings will continue on with his message of faith & hope.

As the theme of light continued from messages at church & even an unexpected serenade from Doug Parkinson singing " This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine" at Carols in the Domain, it has left me pondering about how we can do just that ~ let our light shine. Our world today has such a lot of darkness in it, sometimes to overwhelming degrees, but my faith & hope, like Thomas Kinkade is in the baby that came all those years ago. A bright star shone that night bringing a light into the world that has never dimmed because the baby became a man & that man, Jesus is the Saviour of the World. It is our choice whether we follow Him or not, but if we do, we are promised an eternal life of light & love. There is no gift more precious than that.

I was touched by the Queens message this year where she encouraged us all to follow the example of Jesus by living a life of service to others, then finished by saying "...and what can I give Him, I give my heart." I do hope your heart is full to overflowing with Christmas bliss, wonderful memories and light & love in abundance to the extent that you will shine your little light to all those around you. The world will be a much more better place if you do, because there is only one unique and beautiful you!

For me, the studio is one place where I shine my light. High Teas are in the air, new projects and creativity are ready to begin. 2013 is going to be a brilliant and shining year.

Blessings of light and love to you all,
Cathy Xx


Rossylalah said...

Cathy, what a lovely post. It really hit a spot with me. I think we all possess a certain brightness but sometimes we don't allow it to shine towards others. I hope to do just that this year. Good times with your High Teas. Aren't we lucky to have an outlet for our creativity. Your studio looks AMAZING!

Cathy said...

What a lovely thing to say Ros ~ your comment has brightened my already shine darlin & bring many a smile to those around you:-) Yes we are blessed. Hoping 2013 is your best yet! Xx

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